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Claire Osborne Soul Center Healing Hypnosis S.C.H.H

Quantum Hypnotherapist

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All About Claire Osborne Soul Center Healing Hypnosis S.C.H.H


SCHH is a powerful healing method invented by the beautiful Laura Whitworth.
Through quantum hypnosis we can access the sacred layers of your subconscious mind.

During the hypnosis your body and mind will be in a deep state of relaxation. In this beautiful state your brain will produce theta brainwaves. In theta we will easily connect with your subconscious and that will bring forward deep insights, healing and information. We can also help clear trauma, grief, addiction, attachments etc.

and together we can find out about your past lives. Knowing where you came from and why you are in this life at this present moment, this will bring you clarity and be the beginning of something new and exciting!


The estimated 3 hour session consists of a pre-chat, relaxing your body and mind, connecting to your subconscious/higher self which will consist of past lives regression and possibly clearing any trauma, grief, addictions, phobias, attachments etc. 
We will then spend time connecting with your higher self, asking questions, cleaning up your chakras and re-sealing your aura.
We will then finish off with a post-chat to discuss your experience.

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A prepayment is required to confirm a booking. 
For online sessions you will need a reliable wifi connection, pc/laptop and wired headphones with microphone.

Cheshire England


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